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Woodson added Tuesday that the duo possibly will alternate games missed under that scenario. ???That can happen, and that???s what I mean by trying to tailor the minutes in terms of how it fits with what we???re trying to do,??? Woodson said. ???If there???s three or four games in five (nights), one might play two and the other might play two, something like that, where we alternate. That could possibly happen.??? ">loans in las cruces new mexico The last few years have been difficult for Islamic funds asa whole, with Western firms pulling out as they were hurt by theglobal financial crisis and as slumping equity markets reducedinvestor interest. In total, 88 Islamic funds have beenliquidated globally in the last two years. ">wild lions slot machine But outrage against Zidan continues among many Islamists over Saturday's U.S. raid that captured al Qaeda suspect Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, known by his alias Abu Anas al-Libi. 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